♥♥ Corazón ♥♥

by - 21:49

Ohhh My God!!

My dear friends and Secondollies, I had some troubles with my WiFi Adapter and wasn't been able to connect, it seem some trouble with my new Win10 and the adapter, well...long story.....for now I can log in but need to buy another WiFi connector.

I must tell you that I love dancing in RL and SL... in this post I am dancing with the new BENTO release: YASMIN vol.3 by 
Move Animations Cologne
I enjoyed so so much dancing with this beautiful song by Maluma, the movements as always so realistic, so perfect ...I really enjoy them!!

You can also visit and follow Move Animations Cologne


Flickr group



Take care and go to dance!!
Babi ♥

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